Honour your parents

* Children must honour their father. God is your Father. He created man in His own image. It is through God that the whole family in heaven and earth is named.

* God wants His children to honour him. Honour God by giving Him your best. Show how much you honour God through your actions. Through Jesus you can understand the relationship between the Father and His children.

* You are a child of God. If you accept it, your life will change. You are born of God. You have been made a citizen of heaven. God has given you the spirit of sonship.

* God has promised that He will prosper you. He will never change His word. For this purpose He has made you His child.

* In this corrupt world, live as a child of God. Let the world see the difference in you. The only purpose of you living in this world is to become a witness of God. He has called you knowing all your weaknesses. He has begun a good work in you and He will definitely complete it.

* If you live as a child of God, you will be able to enjoy all the privileges. Always give the first priority in your life to God.

* On this earth God has given us 2 kinds of fathers – physical father and spiritual fathers.

* Physical father according to the Bible includes both your father and mother. They have been given to you by God. If you honour your heavenly father, honour your parents as well.

* Your spiritual fathers strengthen you spiritually and help you grow. Honour them as well.

Reference Verses: Eph 3: 14, Mal 1: 6, 1 John 3:1, Mark 16: 14 onwards, Phil 1:6, Rom 3: 23, 1Cor 4: 14Image


Sunday Sermon Summary – Sakinaka – 1st June 2014 – Pr. Jimmy Joseph (Guest speaker)Image

* “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” – Psalm 11:3

* The word ‘foundation’ refers to the lowest load bearing part of a building.

* Do you have a foundation? Have you invested in your foundation?

* Today if we look around we can see that the foundations in the world are falling off. The church is the light and salt of this world. It’s time that the church began influencing the world.

* When you’re out in the world, how do you behave? In what manner do you interact with your colleagues, neighbours and friends? If you live your life according to the terms laid down by others, you will lose your substance.

* In your Christian life you will face storms that can shake your foundation. Are you like the wise man who built his house on the rock or like the foolish man who built his house on the sand? If your foundation is not in Christ, you will definitely be blown away.

* Acknowledge God in “all” your ways. Seek God first and blessings will follow you.

* It is not only in times of trouble that your foundation may be tested, but also in times of pleasure. If you have a solid foundation, you will be able to influence the world.

Reference verses: Psalm 11:3, 2 Timothy 2:19

Feel free to add to this. Stay blessed!


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Identify yourself with your spirit

* Man is made up of 3 parts – spirit, soul (mind, will, emotions) and body. God’s Spirit communicates to man’s spirit. The spirit of man passes it to the soul and the soul to the body. God created Adam in his own image but because of sin Adam was separated from God. God send his Son, Jesus to restore man’s relationship with Him.

* Jesus, when on the earth, lived without any sin. His spirit, soul and body were pure. Therefore, His communication with God was also clear. Jesus died on the cross and restored man’s relationship with God.

* Upon accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord, your spirit underwent a complete transformation and became one with God’s Spirit. However, you soul and body are yet to change. With the help of the Spirit of God that is within you, your body and soul can be aligned to the will of God.

* Renew your mind and believe in God’s word to lead a fruitful Christian life.

Reference Verses:
Heb 2: 1 onwards
Eph 2: 10
Is: 60: 1
1John 3:8/ 5:19
Heb 4: 13/ 12:1 onwards
John 17:4
Rom 3: 23 onwards
1 Cor 2:8
Rom 12:1
John 17:18

Restoration and Blessing

We are living in the end times. God is preparing the glorious bride – the church for the bridegroom – Christ. He has promised that in the last days there will be a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28-32). When the Holy Spirit moves, there will be revival.

Revival is not for unbelievers but for believers. It is for those who are alive but unaware of the life within them. Revival has to first happen in your personal life. Mentioned below are the signs of revival:

1. Repentance

Repentance occurs when you are deeply convicted of the way you live your life. When you turn from your worldly ways and put your focus completely on God, and cry out for God’s forgiveness. It is the goodness of God that causes you to repent.

2. Reconciliation

Repentance leads to reconciliation. Reconciliation is when relationships are restored. Prayer will be hindered if relationships remain wounded. God expects you to forgive, forget and let go.

3. Restoration

Restoration is not in your hands. It is in God’s hands. God will restore whatever you have lost. He will restore the years that the locusts have eaten. Sad hearts will be made glad and God will pour out His showers of blessings on you.

God will remove all your shortcomings and bring you to complete restoration. You shall be free of every spot, wrinkle and blemish. Spots are the flaws that people around you see in you. You can wipe it away on your own with the help of the Word. Wrinkles are those that your fellow believers can see in you. This can be removed through fellowship and constant motivation. A blemish is that internal flaw that only God can see. Intimacy with God reveals blemishes. And God will purify and cleanse you as you submit to Him.

The new covenant church was inaugurated in Acts 2. The Holy spirit appeared as tongues of fire over the heads of the believers. It was then that was their minds were transformed. And they began to speak in tongues as a sign of unification of language. 

God is moving mightily in these last days. It is time for corporate and personal revival. Signs, wonders and miracles will follow you. God will preserve your body and soul.You, as a born again Christian, are a part of the new covenant of God. All the promises  of God belong to you and you are seated in the heavenly realms with Christ. You are a masterpiece and therefore your day to day performance should match up to your supernatural position. Don’t allow the negativity in others to dry your spirit, instead guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life. Forgive and let go. You belong to the body of Christ, hence continue to motivate each other and grow in the Lord. Live in the blessing of restoration.

Embrace the Grace

The grace of God abounds in our lives.

Grace can be defined as the free and unmerited favor of God. It is the power available to us through which we can do what God has called us to do. Jesus came to the earth from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). It is through Jesus that grace was made available to us.

When Jesus was on the earth, He made use of this grace to perform miracles, heal the sick and to do the will of the Father. In the same manner, we too can do the will of God. Through the grace that is available to us, we can live a holy life and do all the things that Christ did. We can receive healing, deliverance and reign in our lives as within grace there is no darkness or sickness.

Make all efforts so that you do not fall away from this grace that is freely available to you. Do not fall into the trap that the devil lays but overcome your doubts with the Word of God. Whatever we are today is because of the grace of God. And through this grace you can also do what you think is impossible. Jesus is our Saviour, and through Him we can do all things. Renew your mind, change the way you think and put your faith completely in God. Embrace the grace, and reign in your life.

Step Out In Faith

In John 14:8 to 14, when Philip asks Jesus to reveal the Father, Jesus responds by saying that anyone who has seen Him has seen the Father. Jesus also said that He was in the Father and that the Father was in Him. He further goes on to say that whoever believes in Him will do the works He has been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.

Jesus came to the earth as an atonement for the sin of mankind. He lived without sin and did only the will of the Father. He was obedient to the Father and also had an intimate relationship with Him. It is a similar kind of obedience that God expects from us. Not to question or doubt but to blindly obey. It was because of His obedience to the Father, that Jesus was able to dwell among man and yet not sin.

Through Jesus we have been made righteous and we have become the children of God. We have been ordained now to show Jesus through us and to do the will of the Father. However, what is preventing us from obeying the Father?

 It is true that we all have a burning desire in our hearts to do something for God. And it is also true that we have been qualified by God to do the same, as we are now connected to God and are His children. But now the question is, will we be bold and confident enough and step out and obey God?

We have to bear fruit at any cost. We cannot run away from this responsibility. We obviously cannot fool God. We have to open our spiritual eyes, abide in God and according to the working of His mighty power; God will do everything through you. Just surrender and allow Him to work through you. If you have the desire, first of all understand that you have been qualified. Then step out and act with confidence.